A 20-year-old-woman, gravida II, para I, was admitted to the hospital
with vaginal bleeding 17 weeks after her last menstrual period. Her pe
lvic examination was found to be compatible with 3.5 months of pregnan
cy by the attending physician. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a
n empty uterus and two dead fetuses with biometric data consistent wit
h 14 weeks of pregnancy located in the left ovarian region. She was su
bjected to an explorative laparotomy and an intact gestational sac inc
luding the left ovary with normal tubes was observed; a unilateral sal
pingo-oophorectomy was carried out. Histologic studies confirmed a twi
n ovarian pregnancy. Although rare, ovarian pregnancy should be consid
ered when approaching a case of ectopic pregnancy. Early diagnosis is
generally based on ultrasonographic findings. Advanced cases with unru
ptured sac and multiple gestations may also be present.