Freire used very specific materials in culture circles to support an e
mpowering process that allowed learners to define the content and outc
ome of their own learning. However, the materials themselves were care
fully crafted and developed by Freire and his co-workers. This article
focuses on an extension of Freire's problem-posing educational method
s to include participant involvement in the development and production
of their own learning materials. Four linked case examples, one in li
teracy and three in health education, illustrate the process of partic
ipatory materials development and we discuss some issues for facilitat
ors and learners. The production process can be an empowering experien
ce and the product stands as testimony to the participants as self-con
scious agents and critical thinkers capable of transforming their worl
d. The resultant materials, geared to a particular locale and reflecti
ve of the people and language in the community, can provide a powerful
model for those who may not have been involved in the process, but wh
o can identify with the friends and neighbors who developed the materi
als. Participatory materials development is suggested as a supplement
to problem-posing educational experiences and is particularly well sui
ted for community programs.