The vibration and rotation of molecules affects nuclear spin-spin coup
ling constants. This manifests itself as a temperature dependence of t
he coupling and also as an isotope effect (after allowing, where neces
sary, for differing magnetogyric ratios of the two nuclei involved in
the isotopic substitution). Within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation,
a nuclear spin-spin coupling surface can be defined for each pair of
coupled nuclei. This surface is sampled by the nuclei as they undergo
the excursions about equilibrium geometry that are governed by the for
ce field. An accurate ab initio carbon-proton spin-spin coupling surfa
ce for the methane molecule has been calculated. This was obtained by
summing the surfaces for each of the four contributions-Fermi contact,
spin-dipolar, orbital paramagnetic, and orbital diamagnetic-expressed
as power series in terms of symmetry coordinates. Preliminary calcula
tions for (CH4)-C-13 and (CD4)-C-13 give a difference of only 6% betwe
en the calculated and observed nuclear motion contributions. The obser
ved temperature dependence is also accounted for by the calculations.
For these isotopomers, bond stretching plays the dominant role. (C) 19
94 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.