Clock synchronization within a distributed system is a problem that ha
s been studied extensively in recent years. Of the many solutions prop
osed thus far, probabilistic synchronization algorithms provide arguab
ly the best compromise between tightness of synchronization and overhe
ad imposed on the system. The main drawbacks of probabilistic algorith
ms are the requirement of a master/slave organization of clocks, and t
he relatively high number of synchronization messages that must be sen
t. These two drawbacks can make them unsuitable for use in large distr
ibuted systems. In this brief contribution, we propose a synchronizati
on algorithm that does not use master/slave clocks and reduces the num
ber of synchronization messages needed. The nodes of the system are di
vided into a number of overlapping groups. Within a group, each node u
ses one of two probabilistic techniques to estimate the values of othe
r clocks in the group, and uses an interactive convergence algorithm o
n the resulting estimates to adjust its local clock. Groups are select
ed so that the maximum skew between any two group members is bounded.