Sinusoidal ''inclusion-containing endothelial cells'' were studied his
topathologically and immunohistochemically in various liver diseases,
and their clinical importance was investigated. A total of 498 needle
liver biopsies were examined. Endothelial inclusions inside the cells
were recognized as eosinophilic granules in hematoxylin-eosin-stained
sections. Electron microscopy showed that these inclusions corresponde
d to round cytoplasmic dense bodies with a single limiting membrane. T
he contents of these bodies were generally homogeneous, but sometimes
heterogeneous. The inclusions appeared to contain protein, but were re
sistant to trypsin digestion, and immunohistochemistry failed to ident
ify any immunoglobulins or hepatocyte-derived proteins. These endothel
ial cells also contained an increased number of micropinocytotic vesic
les when compared with ordinary cells. The inclusion-containing endoth
elial cells appeared frequently in chronic hepatitis, but were relativ
ely rare in other liver diseases, The incidence was higher in chronic
aggressive hepatitis than in chronic persistent hepatitis or inactive
cirrhosis. Although the density of these cells varied considerably eve
n among patients with the same histological diagnosis and the phenotyp
ical changes of these endothelial cells, assessed by monoclonal antibo
dies, were not apparent, the serum gamma globulin level tended to incr
ease in relation to the density of inclusion-containing endothelial ce
lls and the correlation was significant in hepatitis C.