This paper analyzes subjective perceptions of Texas ranchers concernin
g management decision-making to obtain insight for improving technolog
y transfer. Correlations among variables from a 1990 mail questionnair
e were transformed by principal component analysis into a small number
of ''new'' variables representing unobservable patterns of behavioral
similarities. Two principal components explained variability in ranch
er's perceptions for each of the areas of interest: stocking rate fact
ors, grazing program benefits, and weed/brush treatment techniques. St
ocking rate and grazing program components were each characterized by
traditional and nontraditional factors. Ranchers perceived the primary
benefit from instituting a grazing program to be improved livestock p
erformance (traditional grazing component 1). Some modification of ran
chers' perceptions about the primary benefits of grazing programs is i
ndicated. Weed/brush decision-making was characterized by information-
source and economic factors. The information-source component was defi
ned by the importance of advice from neighbors and fear of treatment m
ethods. Because these tend to be negative perceptions, both of these v
ariables have the potential for restricting adoption of weed/brush tec