M. Bianconi et al., RBS-CHANNELING SPECTRA - SIMULATION OF AS-IMPLANTED SI SAMPLES THROUGH AN EMPIRICAL-FORMULA FOR (100) AXIAL DECHANNELING OF HE IN SILICON, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, 84(4), 1994, pp. 507-511
[100] axial RBS-channeling spectra of deep as-implanted Si samples wer
e simulated, using an empirical formula describing the dechanneling. T
he formula was obtained by dechanneling data in perfect [100] silicon
below amorphous Si films. In fact, a single empirical formula fitted t
hese data versus the He energy (1-2 MeV), the film area densities (0-1
.3 x 10(18) at./cm2) and the depth in the substrate (0-1 mum). Under t
he assumption that the dechanneling due to an amorphous layer is equal
to that of an equivalent amount of displaced atoms in a perfect cryst
al, the formula was used to obtain the damage profile of as-implanted
samples from RBS-channeling spectra.