Among geo-social pollutants; political rivalry, religious bickering/ri
oting, economic anxiety and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
, AIDS is the major element that has, in recent years, endangered the
peace and survival of Africa. It is estimated that about 60% of HIV in
fection worldwide is in Africa (sub-Saharan Africa). Despite some step
s taken by governments and people of Africa to ward off the holocaust,
the disease is found to be on the increase. For instance, in Uganda a
lone, the number of AIDS cases rose from 7,375 in July, 1990 to 30,190
in April, 1992. Ignorance and poverty are identified as the most impo
rtant factors responsible for the rapid spread of the disease. It is,
therefore, advocated that counselling on the prevention and control of
AIDS is incorporated into the primary and Post-Primary School curricu
la in Africa.