To assess beat-to-beat behavior of QT interval under different conditi
ons, high resolution recordings and computerized beat-to-beat analysis
of the electrocardiogram were performed at rest, during recovery afte
r short exercise, and during atrial pacing. Beat-to-beat variations of
QT interval during sinus rhythm at rest and after short exercise were
measured in ten healthy men. In an additional three patients with sup
raventricular tachycardia, beat-to-beat QT changes were studied after
abrupt sustained acceleration and deceleration of heart rate by atrial
pacing. Beat-to-beat changes in RR interval at rest are followed by m
inimal changes of the QT interval. The measured proportional change of
the QT interval compared with the change in RR interval (Delta QT/Del
ta RR) was 0.02. This value represents 10% of the value expected for Q
T changes from Bazett's formula. Following short exercise QT interval
did not change for 15 seconds and reached a maximal value 80 seconds l
ater as compared to the RR interval (192 vs 115 secs, P < 0.001). The
steady state of the QT interval during sustained atrial pacing was ach
ieved after 132, 135, and 133 seconds for pacing intervals of 600, 500
, and 600 msec, respectively. Our data indicate a relatively slow adap
tation of the QT interval to changes in heart rate.