The morphological findings of the carotid bodies of two cases with cya
notic heart disease are presented. The first case, a 14-year-old girl
with atrial and ventricular septal defect accompanied with atresia of
the tricuspidal valve showed a life-long history of pulmonary hyperten
sion and hypoxaemia. The carotid bodies were not enlarged, but the dia
meters of the glomic lobules were increased and its margins were somet
imes blurred. There was a marked increase of glomic tissue within the
carotid bodies. The ratio of chief to sustentacular cells remained unc
hanged. The second case, a 59-year-old man with a double inlet left ve
ntricle, had a history of pulmonary hypertension and hypoxaemia of mor
e than 23 years. The carotid bodies as well as the diameters of the gl
omic lobules were much more enlarged than in case one. There was an in
crease of glomic tissue within the carotid bodies, too. The histologic
al examination showed a marked increase of sustentacular and Schwann c
ells. These results show that the findings of carotid bodies in cyanot
ic heart diseases may be different depending on the duration of hypoxa