Two urns initially contain r red balls and n - r black balls respectiv
ely. At each time epoch a ball is chosen randomly from each urn and th
e balls are switched. Effectively the same process arises in many othe
r contexts, notably for a symmetric exclusion process and random walk
on the Johnson graph. If Y(.) counts the number of black balls in the
first urn then we give a direct asymptotic analysis of its transition
probabilities to show that (when run at rate (n - r)/n in continuous t
ime) for j = alphan + o(n), r = betan + o(n), 0 less-than-or-equal-to
alpha less-than-or-equal-to beta less-than-or-equal-to 1/2, beta > 0,
P(Y(log n + c) = j)/pi(n)(j) --> exp (gamma(alpha)e(-c)) as n --> infi
nity, where pi(n) denotes the equilibrium distribution of Y(.) and gam
ma(alpha) = 1 - alpha/beta(1 - beta). Thus for large n the transient p
robabilities approach their equilibrium values at time log n + log\gam
ma(alpha)\ (less-than-or-equal-to log n) in a particularly sharp manne
r. The same is true of the separation distance between the transient d
istribution and the equilibrium distribution. This is an explicit anal
ysis of the so-called cut-off phenomenon associated with a wide variet
y of Markov chains.