ALTHOUGH many peptides are generated during the intracellular processi
ng of protein antigens, only a few are selected for recognition by the
immune system(1-5). The immunodominant epitope of hen egg white lysoz
yme (HEL) for H-2(k) mice is contained in a tryptic fragment of amino-
acid residues 46-61 (refs 6, 7). The core of this T-cell epitope, from
amino acids 52 to 61 (DYGILQINSR), contains those residues required f
or binding to the class II molecule I-A(k) (ref. 7). Most of the natur
ally processed fragments recovered from I-A(k)-bearing antigen-present
ing cells (APCs) cultured with HEL contained this 52-61 core sequence,
presented as a nested set of peptides with extensions at both the ami
no and carboxyl termini(8). We now compare the handling by APCs of pep
tides containing HEL 52-61 to establish whether there is an advantage
for the APC in selecting extended peptides: different complexes betwee
n peptides and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules varied
greatly in the amount of time associated with the APC, and in their i
mmunogenic strength. This difference in persistence is one of the fact
ors contributing to the selection and immune recognition of peptide-MH
C complexes by T cells.