Conventional statistical distribution models (e.g., Poisson) are known
to perform satisfactorily in predicting the number of crossing opport
unities in a traffic stream of certain characteristics. However, in ma
ny traffic studies, one is interested in estimating the number of cros
sing opportunities under traffic and roadway conditions that are not t
ypical of any known statistical distribution. A typical example is the
number of crossing opportunities across a two-way, multilane traffic
stream within a signalized corridor. There does not appear to be a sin
gle distribution capable of adequately describing the vehicular headwa
y distribution under a variety of traffic and roadway conditions. This
paper demonstrates that carefully developed regression models can be
used to accurately predict the number of crossing opportunities in a t
raffic stream under various roadway and traffic conditions. Compared w
ith conventional statistical functions, the regression models are easy
to use, transferable, and volume-based, thus allowing the user to pre
dict the number of crossing opportunities using readily available traf
fic count data. It was found that, depending on the traffic conditions
under consideration, conventional statistical distributions, such as
the Poisson function, can underestimate the number of crossing opportu
nities by approximately one third. Typical applications of these model
s are in the area of development of warrants for vehicular and pedestr
ian traffic control devices.