A systematic approach to the random generation of labelled combinatori
al objects is presented. It applies to structures that are decomposabl
e, i.e., formally specifiable by grammars involving set, sequence, and
cycle constructions. A general strategy is developed for solving the
random generation problem with two closely related types of methods: f
or structures of size n, the boustrophedonic algorithms exhibit a wors
t-case behaviour of the form O(n log n); the sequential algorithms hav
e worst case O(n(2)), while offering good potential for optimizations
in the average case. The complexity model is in terms of arithmetic op
erations and both methods appeal to precomputed numerical table of lin
ear size that can be computed in time O(n(2)). A companion calculus pe
rmits systematically to compute the average case cost of the sequentia
l generation algorithm associated to a given specification. Using opti
mizations dictated by the cost calculus, several random generation alg
orithms of the sequential type are developed; most of them have expect
ed complexity 1/2n log n, and are thus only slightly superlinear. The
approach is exemplified by the random generation of a number of classi
cal combinatorial structures including Cayley trees, hierarchies, the
cycle decomposition of permutations, binary trees, functional graphs,
surjections, and set partitions.