A consensus conference is a method used to evaluate a medical process
and to elaborate practice guidelines. The goal of consensus conference
is to obtain the best possible outcomes for patients. The guidelines
are written by a multidisplinary jury which analyses scientific datas
and clinical practices. Consensus conference don't resolve all medical
problems. It's a good evaluation method for the topics where there ar
e non medical sides, inappropriate medical options or different clinic
al practices in spite of sufficient scientific datas. Consensus confer
ence use three distinct groups : organization committee, jury and expe
rts. The lectures of the experts and the guidelines must distinguish a
nd clarify which is scientifically proved. Use of biomedical databases
and critical analysis of biomedical articles are useful. Practice gui
delines must be clear, precise, explicit and useful for clinical pract
ices. Measurement of the real usefulness of consensus conference is di
fficult : it's the problem of the impact of guidelines on care. Usuall
y it could be realized by survey of clinical practices or drugs consum
ing. The impact will be better with a large use of media, disseminatio
n of the guidelines in the medical faculties and during professional w