Proper planning of groundwater exploitation policy in Barind area, Ban
galadesh needs the knowledge about the specific yield of the aquifer,
whose computed values vary from 8 to 32% with a general decreasing tre
nd from north towards central portion but the southern portion has bet
ter specific yield value than the central portion. On the basis of spe
cific yield variation the area is divided into: Zone-I: includes Dhamo
irhat, Patnitola, Mohadevpur, Manda, eastern side of Tanore, southern
side of Godagari and Nawabganj, Shibganj and Bholahat thanas (specific
yield values > 15%); Zone-II: covers the area of Niamatpur thana and
the rest part of Nawabganj thana (specific yield value 10-15%) and Zon
e-III: includes Nachole thana and the rest of Gomastapur thana (specif
ic yield values < 10%).