Background. Dengue is an acute febrile illness caused by several arthr
opod-born viruses and characterized by biphasic fever, myalgia or arth
ralgia, rash, leukopenia and lymphadenopathy. Its diagnosis is based o
n knowledge of the geographic distribution of dengue viruses. Case rep
orts Case n-degree 1: A 11 year-old boy suffered from sudden onset of
fever accompanied by retro-orbital headache, arthralgia and diffuse my
algia. There was no rash. Hemogram showed: hemoglobin: 11.6 g%; leukoc
ytes: 3 400/mm3 (PMN: 76%); platelets: 190 000/mm3. A diagnosis of vir
al infection was considered, but, as the boy had recently been to the
French West-Indies, a serologic study was performed. This was negative
2 days after the onset of disease and positive (specific IgM for the
4 dengue types), 13 days later. Case n-degree 2: A 7 year-old-boy suff
ered from sudden onset of fever. Severe calf muscle pain 4 days later
led to his admission. Creatine phosphokinase activity was very high: 8
3 100 units (N: 30-120). Hemogram showed: hemoglobin: 11.4 g%; leukocy
tes: 2 500/mm3 (PMN: 60%); platelets: 124 000/mm3. A diagnosis of acut
e myositis was considered, but as the patient had recently visited Ven
ezuela, a serologic study was performed. This was negative 8 days afte
r the onset of disease and positive (specific IgM for the 4 dengue typ
es) 16 days later. Conclusion. The first case is characteristic of the
classical form of dengue fever. The second patient presented with ver
y localized myalgia. The diagnosis in both cases was facilitated by th
e knowledge that the patient had recently stayed in an endemic area.