Ab initio valence bond calculations with an STO-6G basis set are used
to study aspects of the electronic structure of trigonal bipyramidal C
Li5. With lithium 2p orbitals initially omitted, a valence bond demons
tration is provided for the molecular orbital description of the origi
n of the hypercoordination, namely Li(eq)-Li(ax) as well as C-Li(ax) b
onding. The axial Li(ax)-C-Li(ax) bonding involves primarily a three-e
lectron three-centre bonding unit, for which there are eight canonical
Lewis-type VB structures in a minimal basis set treatment. Resonance
between these structures is equivalent to resonance between the ''incr
eased-valence'' structures (A) and (B), [GRAPHICS] in which the three
axial electrons occupy C-Li(ax) bonding molecular orbitals. The Li(ax)
-Li(eq) bonding arises when Li(ax)- --> sigma(CLi(eq)) electron deloc
alizations occur from relevant Lewis structures, to generate four-elec
tron three-centre bonding units, and ''increased-valence'' structures
of the type (C) [GRAPHICS] for the three atoms that are involved in th
e bonding unit. Structure (C) is equivalent to resonance between the L
ewis structures (D) and (E), with Li(eq)-Li(ax). bonding occurring in
(E). Inclusion of lithium 2p orbitals in exploratory calculations lead
s to a substantial shortening of the axial bonds. Some consideration i
s given to three-electron three-centre bonding for CLi6, and to an ele
mentary increased-valence bonding index for this type of bonding unit.