We present a joint experimental and theoretical work on the empty stat
es of Au(100) surfaces. Both the stable 5 x 10 reconstructed and the m
etastable defect-stabilized 1 x 1 surfaces have been investigated by m
eans of angle-resolved inverse photoemission, and the electronic struc
ture has been theoretically determined for the 1 x 1 surface within th
e local density approximation. The experimental spectra for the two su
rfaces are very similar, showing in both cases bulk derived transition
s and a surface feature corresponding to the n = 1 image-potential sta
te. In the spectra from the metastable surface, a strong n = 0 surface
resonance is also observed. Comparison with theoretical calculations
for the 1 x 1 surface gives generally good agreement for the bulk tran
sitions, but suggests that surface defects strongly influence surface
states localized near the surface layer.