The purpose of this study was to evaluate and to compare the radiation
dose associated with commonly used dental radiographic surveys includ
ing the following: (1) 20 film full-mouth survey, (2) bite-wing radiog
raphs, (3) panoramic survey supplemented with bite-wing radiographs an
d (4) a common orthodontic radiographic survey (a lateral cephlometric
radiograph supplemented with a panoramic radiograph). The effects of
collimation and faster radiographic film speeds on dose were also inve
stigated. The effective doses to selected anatomic sites were calculat
ed from measured absorbed doses with the use of an improved, tissue-eq
uivalent phantom fitted with lithium fluoride thermoluminescent dosime
ters. It was demonstrated that converting from round to rectangular co
llimation reduced the radiation exposure by a factor of four. A panora
mic survey supplemented with bite-wing radiographs uses approximately
one third of the radiation exposure needed to expose a full-mouth surv
ey made with E-speed film and rectangular collimation.