M. Votava et al., FASTBUS STANDARD ROUTINES IMPLEMENTATION FOR FERMILAB EMBEDDED PROCESSOR BOARDS, IEEE transactions on nuclear science, 41(1), 1994, pp. 165-168
In collaboration with CEBAF, Fermilab has produced a new C implementat
ion of the IEEE FASTBUS Standard Routines[1]1. This implementation run
s under the VxWorks2 operating system and has been ported to the PC-4
revision of the FASTBUS Smart Crate Controller (FSCC)[2] and the FASTB
US Readout Controller (FRC)[3]. Both of these boards are used in fixed
target and collider HEP experiments. Features of this implementation
include: optional generation of high-speed in-line code, built-in RPC
(remote producedure call) support, and a TCL(tool command language) [4
]command line interpreter interface. We describe this software with re
cent extensions to support RPC.