The free-running period is regarded to be an exclusive feature of the
endogenous circadian clock. Changes during aging in the free-running p
eriod may therefore reflect age-related changes in the internal organi
zation of this clock. However, the literature on alterations in the fr
ee-running period in aging is not unequivocal. In the present study, w
ith various confounding factors kept to a minimum, it was found that t
he free-running periods for active wakefulness, body temperature, and
drinking behavior were significantly shorter (by 12-17 min) in old tha
n in young rats. In addition, it was found that the day-to-day stabili
ty of the different sleep states was reduced in old rats, whereas that
of the drinking rhythm was enhanced. Transient cycles were not observ
ed, nor were there any age-related differences in daily totals of the
various sleep-wake states. The amplitudes of the circadian rhythms of
active wakefulness, quiet sleep, and temperature were reduced, whereas
those of paradoxical sleep and quiet wakefulness remained unchanged.