Using the techniques of spin thermodynamics in solids, we extended the
theory of spin relaxation by slow bulk motion proposed by J. Jeener e
t al. [Adv. Magn. Reson. 14, 95 (1990)] to the more complex spectrosco
pic situation prevailing in gypsum in ''2-lines'' orientation. In orde
r to test the calculations, we measured the additional rate of relaxat
ion due to low-amplitude, low-frequency (1 KHz) rotational vibration o
f the whole crystal around various directions. In agreement with calcu
lated predictions, we observed that the additional relaxation only aff
ects the intermolecular spin-spin order at a rate which is temperature
independent and proportional to the (average) square of the angular v
elocity of bulk rotation. The measured additional rate of relaxation a
lso depends strongly on the orientation of the axis of rotation, in qu
antitative agreement with the calculated values.