Spiritual gifts inventories appear to be constructed in a scientific m
anner, but they are often technically inadequate. The current study ex
amined the psychometric properties of the Objective Questionnaire Test
ing set of the Motivational Spiritual Gifts Inventory (MGI). Analyses
of the questionnaire data indicated that despite the apparent strength
of the spiritual gifts subscales' content validity, reliability fell
only in the poor to moderate range. Construct validity was also tenuou
s. Interscale factor analysis using an oblique rotation supported a th
ree-factor rather than a seven-factor solution. Furthermore, 37% of th
e items correlated more highly with a subscale other than intended. Th
ese three findings cast doubt on this instrument's ability to assess s
even separate sets of personality and behavioral characteristics. Stre
ngths and weakness of spiritual gifts inventories and recommendations
for their future use are discussed.