Paw. Vanderheide, VARIATIONS IN THE VALUE OF THE CHARACTERISTIC VELOCITY OF THE ZR- SECONDARY-ION EMISSIONS ACROSS THE OXIDE METAL INTERFACE, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, 93(4), 1994, pp. 421-426
Calculations, from experiment data, revealed that the Zr- secondary io
n yield increased exponentially with increasing emission velocity over
the 40 to 250 eV (plus E(b)) emission energy range. The Zr- secondary
ion emissions could therefore be characterised by a single characteri
stic velocity value over this energy range. This exponential behaviour
was also found to vary across the oxide/metal interface. Since this v
ariation results from what is commonly referred to as the matrix effec
t, the dependence of the matrix effect on emission velocity could also
be defined. This was found to decrease in an exponential-like manner
with increasing emission velocity. Extrapolating this trend to infinit
e velocity indicated complete removal of the matrix effect. This remov
al of the matrix effect at infinite velocity is supported by the fact
that the known Zr concentration profile could be reproduced from empir
ical data (once instrument transmission and sputter yield factors are
accounted for) on extrapolation to infinite velocity.