The ventilating tracheal resectoscope (Karl Storz) combines the advant
ages of a ventilating bronchoscope and the resecting cystoscope for re
moval of soft tissue from the airway. The resectoscope offers several
distinct advantages over other methods of granulation tissue removal.
The procedure is done under direct vision with magnification and illum
ination of a rod-lens optical system, Suprastomal granulation tissue i
s resected cleanly, without tearing or stripping of adjacent mucosa. H
emorrhage is readily controlled with the coagulating mode. The resecto
scope can also be used for removing benign tumors (such as recurrent r
espiratory papillomatosis) from the trachea and bronchi. Its use in th
e efficient removal of malignant tumors and subglottic soft tissue has
also been described.