Background: Preoperative acute hypervolemic hemodilution is used in an
esthesia to reduce the loss of blood cells during intraoperative bleed
ing. Indications for use of the technique might be broadened if it can
be shown to be safe in older as well as younger patients. Few data ar
e available describing heart function in humans subjected to hypervole
mic hemodilution. Methods: Nineteen anesthetized Jehovah's Witnesses (
ages 22-70 yr) without evidence of heart disease had hypervolemic hemo
dilution before surgery in three stages, each consisting of an infusio
n of 500 ml dextran 40 (50 g/l) and 500 ml Ringer's lactate over a 10-
min period. After each stage, the size and function of the left ventri
cle were recorded by transesophageal cross-sectional echocardiography
in the short-axis view. Simultaneously heart rate, arterial blood pres
sure, pulmonary arterial and wedge pressures and cardiac output were r
ecorded, to compare the echocardiographic and hemodynamic data. Result
s: No complications occurred. Hypervolemic hemodilution resulted in an
increased cardiac output by increasing the stroke volume from 48 ml i
n basal conditions to 67, 71, and 72 ml over the three stages, whereas
heart rate did not increase. There was an initial increase in end-dia
stolic volume of the left ventricle, as assessed from the cross-sectio
nal end-diastolic area from 12.9 to 15.5, 16.6, and 16.9 cm(2) followe
d by a decrease in the in cross-sectional end-systolic area from 6.3 t
o 6.8, 6.0, and 5.7 cm(2). The increase in wedge pressures (from 5.9 t
o 12.4, 17.9, and 22.6 mmHg) did not lead to progressive cardiac dilat
ion. There was a curvilinear relation between wedge pressure and cross
-sectional end-diastolic area. Stroke volume did not decrease, nor did
cross-sectional end-systolic area increase; instead, a decrease in en
d-systolic area was a common observation. Conclusions: The described r
egimen of acute hypervolemic hemodilution is well tolerated during ane
sthesia by patients without heart disease and does not lead to cardiac
failure. It leads to an increase in stroke volume that is generated i
nitially from an increase in end-diastolic volume, followed in many pa
tients by a decrease in end-systolic volume, the mechanism of which is
as yet unclear.