Although the typical subtypes of embryonal, botryoid, alveolar, and pl
eomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma are easily recognized by simple light micro
scopic examination, poorly differentiated forms are difficult to diagn
ose and classify. The availability of markers connoting simple myogeno
us or skeletal muscle differentiation has contributed tremendously to
the diagnosis of even poorly differentiated rhabdomyosarcoma. Definiti
on of typical and minimal ultrastructural criteria has also been instr
umental. Proper classification of rhabdomyosarcoma into subtypes with
prognostic significance has been a difficult task. Although most patho
logists have accepted the original classification scheme of embryonal,
botryoid, alveolar, and pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, they have used
variable histologic criteria to define the various subtypes. Most of t
he major discrepancies occurred in the definition of embryonal versus
alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, especially in those cases that required est
ablishment of minimal criteria. For example, poorly differentiated rou
nd-cell rhabdomyosarcoma has frequently been erroneously classified as
embryonal, because of the absence of an alveolar pattern. This variet
y has been recognized as a form of alveolar (solid alveolar) rhabdomyo
sarcoma by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) scheme. Comparative ana
lysis of several proposed classification schemes has led to the establ
ishment of well-defined criteria for the major subtypes of rhabdomyosa
rcoma and to the recognition of subtypes with prognostic significance.
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