Be. Anderson et al., WET DRIFT CHAMBERS FOR PRECISE LUMINOSITY, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 348(2-3), 1994, pp. 245-248
A set of high-precision compact drift chambers has been a vital compon
ent of the OPAL luminosity monitor since the start of data-taking at L
EP. They were augmented in 1992 by the addition of Small Angle Referen
ce Chambers with a very similar design to the original chamber. The pe
rformance of the chambers is reviewed, highlighting both the importanc
e of using polyalkylene glycol (Breox) to maintain a uniform and paral
lel electric field and the construction techniques used to sustain the
required field strength. We describe some of the operating problems,
with their solutions, and show how the chambers have been used in achi
eving a systematic error of 0.41% on the luminosity measurement.