G. Vanapeldoorn et al., A QUALITATIVE METHOD TO DETERMINE THE LOSS OF EFFICIENCY IN THE DELPHI BARREL RICH MWPCS DUE TO AGING, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 348(2-3), 1994, pp. 249-251
We describe a simple method to survey effects of ageing in the multiwi
re proportional chambers of the DELPHI Barrel Ring Imaging CHerenkov (
RICH) counters. These chambers detect single photoelectrons created by
Cherenkov light in a photosensitive gas mixture. They receive as well
the much larger amount of ionisation electrons created by the charged
particles. The method essentially consists of a comparison of the pla
teau curves measured after each year's running period in order to dete
ct changes in their characteristics as a function of exposure.