The frequency dependence of the complex susceptibility of eight ferrof
luids have been measured. It reveals the presence of both relaxation m
echanisms, Brownian and Neel, and of resonance, indicated by the real
part of the susceptibility becoming negative above a critical frequenc
y. The theoretical aspects of these mechanisms are reviewed and compar
ed with the measured dynamical parameters. Plots of the effective rela
xation time as a function of the particle radius are presented, and th
e relaxation time in terms of longitudinal, tau(parallel to) and trans
verse, tau(perpendicular to) , components are also considered and comp
ared with measured values for tau(parallel to) determined by means of
polarised measurements. The resonance data are discussed in light of t
he work of Raikher and Shliomis and estimates are made of the damping
parameter, alpha.