Gd-155 Mossbauer measurements on gadolinium metal have been performed
at pressures up to 17 GPa and at T = 4.2 K for the first time. The thr
ee different crystallographic phases that Gd exhibits below 24 GPa can
be distinguished. The Isomer Shift (IS) changes can be fitted to part
ial derivativeIS/partial derivativeln (V/V(p = 0)) = (0.73 +/- 0.08) m
m/s. The large increase of the hyperfine fields with increasing pressu
re is correlated with the change in IS. Relatively large changes of th
e Quadrupole Splitting of the hexagonal sites occur with increasing pr
essure. Up to a volume reduction of 30%, the 4f shell proves to be sta
ble. Since Gd3+ has the same electronic 4f7 configuration as Eu2+, com
paring Gd-155 and Eu-151 Mossbauer measurements may give a clue about
the stability of Eu2+ under pressure.