Sd. Hudson et al., PROCESSING MORPHOLOGY CORRELATIONS IN POLY(BENZOATE-CO-NAPHTHOATE) LIQUID-CRYSTALLINE POLYMERS, Polymer engineering and science, 34(17), 1994, pp. 1327-1335
The molecular orientation and disclination defects in injection molded
bulk samples of liquid crystal polymer's have been revealed by transm
ission electron microscopy (TEM). Using a recently optimized lamellar
decoration and etch technique for use with poly(benzoate-co-naphthoate
), we have studied in detail the skin-core morphology produced by real
istic injection molding processing. In the skin, the director is obser
ved to be highly aligned along the flow direction, and the defect dens
ity is very low (10 cm-2). In the core, however, the defect density is
six orders of magnitude greater, and the director lies predominantly
in the plane defined by the flow and neutral directions. The flow duri
ng processing is turbulent, giving rise to distinct morphological feat
ures and disclination clusters. When the material is filled at 20% vol
ume fraction with long glass fibers, the molecular and filler orientat
ions are nearly parallel. Dimensional precision also correlates with t
he morphology and improves with increasing core fraction.