The contact behavior between a composte laminate and a rigid sphere is
discussed in this paper using a method derived from the three-dimensi
onal anisotropic elasticity theory. Response of the plate and the forc
e-indentation (F - alpha) relationship were obtained by constructing a
n exact Green's function of the laminate. Agreement between the predic
tion and th experimental data reported by other is excellent before la
minates are damaged. The F - alpha relationship is approximately propo
rtional to the out-of-plane Young's modulus and is influenced by the p
late thickness. Tjhe effects of changing the in-place Young's moduli,
all the shear moduli, stackinmg sequences and span of the laminate are
insignificant unless identation is large. Further, the modified Hertz
law underestimates the contact force for the same identation.