An explanation is provided of the Tb doping anomaly: the superconducti
ng transition temperature of Y1-yTbyBa2Cu3O7-delta remains constant at
92.5 K with increasing Tb content y (up to y almost-equal-to 0.5), an
d shows no evidence of degradation by Cooper pair-breaking. This behav
ior is considered anomalous because Tb has been determined to be in th
e Tb+4 charge state, which is supposed to be deleterious to supercondu
ctivity: comparable doping by Ce and Pr (also thought to be +4 ions),
unlike Tb-doping, leads to pair-breaking and the quenching of supercon
ductivity. This Tb anomaly is explained as normal behavior, within the
context of the strained-layer superlattice and confined metallic oxyg
en model of high-temperature superconductivity: it is due to Tb occupy
ing rare-earth sites almost exclusively, and the low solubility of Tb
on Ba sites. The superconductivity is rooted in the chain layers, and
rare-earth-site magnetic Tb, Pr, and Ce, whatever their charge states,
do not break pairs, because they are remote from the superconducting
chain layers. In contrast, Ba-site Tb (or another magnetic rare-earth
ion) would break pairs and quench superconductivity, being adjacent to
chain-oxygen. Therefore, Tb's so-called anomalous behavior of not deg
rading the transition temperature is actually normal and characteristi
c of rare-earth ions on the rare-earth sites, while the pair-breaking
of Ce and Pr is attributable to rare-earths on (anomalous) Ba sites. T
his normal behavior appears to be anomalous only in the context of cup
rate-plane models of superconductivity, and so casts doubt on the vali
dity of those models, which are also in conflict with pair-breaking da
ta for La2-betaSrbetaCuO4-delta, Nd2-zCezCuO4-delta, and Nd2-u-zCezGdu
CuO4-delta, as well as for compounds of the YBa2Cu3O7-delta class.