Eight soft red winter wheats were commercially milled into straight-gr
ade flours and shipped to five large baking companies. The companies u
sed proprietary commercial formulations to produce wire-cut and rotary
-molded cookies and chemically leavened crackers from each flour. All
commercial products were evaluated for hardness at our laboratory. Har
dness values were compared relative to the flours used and the baking
company that produced the cookies and crackers. The relative contribut
ion of each flour to product hardness across products and companies wa
s remarkably consistent considering differences among commercial produ
cts. For all three products, the highest protein flours consistently p
roduced the hardest products. Product hardness was relatively inconsis
tent in products made from flours with intermediate protein levels. Da
ta show that the contribution to product hardness of various soft whea
t flours is a strong quality attribute, especially when associated wit
h elevated protein concentration. Thus, the texture of several soft wh
eat products of one company and the texture of products from many comp
anies could be influenced by one flour.