Three pairs of oligonucleotide primers, complementary to nucleotide se
quences of Yersinia pestis plasmids (pPst, 9.5 kb; pCad, 70 kb; pFra,
95 kb), were used in polymerase chain reaction for high-sensitive spec
ific detection of plague pathogen. Primer pairs P1, P2, C1, C2, and F1
, F2 were used to amplify fragments of pla gene (plasmid pPst), yop1 g
ene (plasmid pCad of plague microbe), and caf1 gene (plasmid pFra), re
spectively. The method developed enables specific detection of strains
from all natural loci in Russia and contignous states as well as stra
ins of oceanic origin. Sensitivity of method is 50 - 100 CFU/ml. Prime
r sequences enable to amplify gene fragments, located in three own pla
smides of plague microbe, in the same reaction mixture. The method off
ers identification of plague microbe and determination of its virulenc
e and epidemic-significance.