We have analyzed the existing spectra of seven comets which show an em
ission feature at 7.8-13 mum. Most have been converted to a common cal
ibration, taking into account the SiO feature in late-type standard st
ars. The spectra are compared with spectra of the Trapezium, interplan
etary dust particles (IDPs), laboratory mineral samples, and small par
ticle emission models. The emission spectra show a variety of shapes;
there is no unique ''cometary silicate.'' A peak at 11.20-11.25 mum, i
ndicative of small crystalline olivine particles, is seen in only thre
e comets of this sample, P/Halley, Bradfield 1987 XXIX, and Levy 1990
XX. The widths of the emission features range from 2.6 to 4.1 mum (FWH
M). To explain the differing widths and the broad 9.8 mum maximum, gla
ssy silicate particles, including both pyroxene and olivine compositio
ns, are the most plausible candidates. Calculations of emission models
confirm that small grains of glassy silicate well mixed with carbonac
eous material are plausible cometary constituents No single class of c
hondritic aggregate IDPs exhibits spectra closely matching the comet s
pectra. A mixture of IDP spectra, particularly the glass-rich aggregat
es, approximately matches the spectra of comets P/Halley, Levy, and Br
adfield 1987 XXIX. Yet, if comets are simply a mix of IDP types, it is
puzzling that the classes of IDPs are so distinct. None of the comet
spectra match the spectrum of the Trapezium. Thus, the mineralogy of t
he cometary silicates is not the same as that of the interstellar medi
um. The presence of a component of crystalline silicates in comets may
be evidence of mixing between high- and low-temperature regions in th
e solar nebula.