The design and operating characteristics of a fully automated evaporat
ion pan are described. The objectives were to develop and test the fea
sibility of a system to automatically measure either evaporation or ra
infall surplus as part of a fully automated station. The reference wat
er level in the automated pan is controlled/detected by a liquid level
switch, and the evaporation or rainfall surplus is calculated from th
e net change in mass of a supply reservoir or a surplus tank, before a
nd after the refilling or emptying process, respectively. The supply r
eservoir and the surplus tank were individually installed with a preci
sion load cell to measure changes in mass and with a refilling or empt
ying mechanism to extend the unattended operation period. The measurin
g sequences are controlled by a sophisticated data logger. Performance
tests revealed that the liquid level switch has a dead zone of 0.05-0
.08 mm between ON and OFF of the control relay, and is affected slight
ly by ambient temperature at a rate of approximately 0.013 mm degrees-
C-1. Excluding the temperature effect, an error of +/-0.06 mm of the C
lass A evaporation pan at 99.7% probability limit was found to be attr
ibuted to the level switch and the load cells. Two years of evaporatio
n and rainfall surplus results measured with the automated pan compare
d favourably with that of the manually operated pan, with a correlatio
n coefficient greater than 0.98 and a probable error of +/-1.0 mm. Maj
or sources of error are attributed to different pan conditions, observ
er bias and slow responses of the fixed point gauge used in the manual
ly operated station. Although the system is relatively high cost, its
accuracy and reliability has made it very attractive for network use i
n major agricultural and forestry weather stations.