In the systemic circulation, neutrophil emigration into sites of acute
inflammation is mediated through the leukocyte adhesion complex, CD11
/CD18. ICAM-1 is an inducible endothelial ligand for CD11 a/CD18 and C
D11b/CD18. Streptococcus pneumoniae elicits neutrophil emigration thro
ugh a CD18-independent mechanism whereas Escherichia coli endotoxin el
icits emigration through a CD18-dependent mechanism in rabbit lungs. T
o determine whether ICAM-1 is up-modulated in the lung during CD18-ind
ependent and CD18-dependent emigration, ultrastructural immunogold-lab
eling studies were performed on BALB/c mice given airway instillates o
f S. pneumoniae or E. coli endotoxin. Ultrathin cryosections of frozen
lung tissue were immunogold labeled with the mAb YN1/ 1.7.4 against t
he murine homologue of human ICAM-1. Cold particles on the plasma memb
ranes of alveolar endothelial and epithelial cells were quantitated by
transmission electron microscopy. Capillary endothelial ICAM-1 expres
sion did not change during neutrophil emigration toward S. pneumoniae,
a CD18-independent pathway in rabbits. In contrast, ICAM-1 expression
increased 4.2-fold in response to E. coli endotoxin (known to elicit
CD18-dependent emigration in mice), suggesting that the mechanism of a
dhesion may be regulated by the expression of endothelial rather than
neutrophil adhesion molecules. Constitutive expression of ICAM-1 on al
veolar epithelial cells was 22-fold greater than on capillary endothel
ium. Epithelial expression was mainly restricted to type I pneumocytes
, whereas type II pneumocytes, the precursors of type I cells, express
ed little or no ICAM-1. However, during pneumonia, type II but not typ
e I pneumocytes showed increased ICAM-1 expression, suggesting that IC
AM-1 expression represents an early differentiation event in response
to epithelial injury.