The protection of workers' health is defended by the Italian Constitut
ion, and sees its most extensive application in the work of the INAIL
(Istituto Nazionale per l'Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavor
o - National Institute for Assurance against Work-related Accidents).
In the T.U. (Testo Unico - Complete Text of Legislation) 1124/1965, de
ntal injury is compensated with fixed percentages for permanent impair
ment, depending on whether the prosthesis applied is effectual or othe
rwise. The INAIL's primary task of assigning the necessary treatment a
nd recovering the claimant's occupational aptitude requires that it me
ets in full the cost of his dental rehabilitation. In Turin in 1981 a
systematic procedure was set up for the provision and monitoring of th
e dental treatment received by the injured person. Legislation relatin
g to prostheses has further widened the scope of dental treatment. To
deal correctly with the legal medicine aspects of dental rehabilitatio
n, the authors illustrate a working procedure which is based on the re
ading of radiological evidence in order to determine the prior situati
on, extent of injury. results of the treatment and evaluation of resid
ual permanent injury.