Time perspective has been viewed as having important but subtle effect
s on cognition, mood and behavior. Previous research has suggested tha
t the dimensions of extension and temporal attitude may be important a
s regards predicting suicide ideation or attempts. The manner in which
people construct their future may have important ramifications for be
liefs about the importance of life. Temporal attitude, of all the dime
nsions of time perspective, appears to be most important in this regar
d. Other research has suggested that both depression, and, to a lesser
extent, impulsivity may also be important predictor variables for sui
cide ideation. In this study 238 university students and 159 senior hi
gh school students were assessed on a variety of temporal and and impu
lsivity had comparatively little effect on suicide ideation after the
effects of mood disturbance were controlled. However, negative tempora
l attitudes appeared to have significant impact on suicide ideation wh
en depression was ignored and a highly significant impact on mood dist
urbance, suggesting that its relevance for the prediction of suicide i
s primarily through its effect on depression.