Remediation planning and Rn-222-related construction zoning require kn
owledge of how close and strong Ra-226 sources can be in different fou
ndation soils under different groundwater conditions without excessive
ly elevating indoor Rn-222 levels. A two-dimensional numerical-analyti
cal model was developed to simulate (a) Rn-222 emanation, decay, and m
ovement by diffusion and advection in soils around houses and in their
understructures; and (b) Rn-222 accumulation in a single-zone house.
The model represents foundation soils and a house in elliptical-cylind
rical geometry. Rn-222 may diffuse through its floor slab or may enter
via idealized cracks and openings. The model was validated with analy
tical calculations of two-dimensional air pressure fields and with one
-dimensional calculations of Rn-222 generation with diffusion and diff
usion combined with advection. Agreement generally was within <1% when
finite-difference approximations were minimized. Benchmark comparison
s with indoor Rn-222 measurements in two test-cell structures under pa
ssive and depressurized conditions averaged within 11% of measured val
ues, well within measurement uncertainty. The corresponding average bi
as was only 3%. Larger variations were observed when applying the mode
l to 50 houses. In this application, a negative bias of nearly 50% was
observed due to data gaps and to poorly-characterized door slabs and
crack distributions.