Airway constriction during a breath hold could not be examined previou
sly using standard methods. We used high-resolution computed tomograph
y (HRCT) in vivo to assess the temporal changes in airway area and the
effects of a deep inspiration with and without vagal suppression. Fiv
e dogs were anesthetized, intubated, and their lungs ventilated with 1
00 percent oxygen. Fifteen HRCT slices were obtained at functional res
idual capacity (FPC) either immediately after stopping ventilation at
end expiration after either a tidal volume breath or three deep inspir
ations. Subsequently the dogs were given atropine, 0.2 mg/kg, and the
scans were repeated. The cross-sectional areas of 33 airways ranging i
n size from 1.6 to 9.7 mm in diameter were measured. Airways were sepa
rated in three groups based on size: small (<3 mm in diameter); medium
(3 to 6-mm in diameter); and large (>6 mm in diameter). The small, me
dium, and large airways showed a spontaneous constriction over time to
49+/-8 percent, 83+/-4 percent, and 82+/-4 percent of initial airway-
size, respectively (p<0.01), (p<0.0001). The deep inspiration caused a
n initial dilation only in the smallest airways to 133.3+/-4 percent.
The subsequent constrictions were even greater than after the tidal vo
lume breath averaging 67+/-15 percent, 61+/-6 percent, and 60+/-9 perc
ent of initial airway area in the small, medium, and large airways, re
spectively (p=0.001). Atropine caused an average increase in baseline
airway area of 115+/-5 percent and 121+/-6 percent after a tidal volum
e breath and deep inspiration, respectively, compared with the preatro
pine controls, with no difference between the three groups. Atropine a
lso completely abolished the spontaneous airway constriction observed
after either a tidal volume breath or a deep inspiration in all three
groups equally. In conclusion, using direct airway imaging in vivo, we
found that airways spontaneously constrict during a prolonged expirat
ory pause, and a deep inspiration significantly augments this airway c
onstriction. These responses are mediated via vagal afferent pathways,
likely arising from progressively decreasing slow-adapting receptor ac