Understanding of any generalities and principles in fisheries science
comes only after substantial efforts to collate and compare available
information. This second flatfish symposium was formulated around the
concept of falsifying testable hypotheses, although the results were m
arginal at best, and progress toward any novel insights was elusive. I
have a history of posing the question, Why? I attempted to answer thi
s by pointing out some of the information voids necessary to the integ
ration of organismal physiology and behaviours, appropriate scale envi
ronmental variabilities, and the lack of our ability, or opportunity,
to measure any of these processes on sufficient numbers of species to
gain those insights. Second, I wonder why the continued statistical ef
forts to manipulate great masses of fuzzy fisheries catch and sampling
data, particularly when the action in life histories of fishes takes
place at the local scale, upon individuals, in a very nearly binary fa
shion, rather than over a somehow unified distribution that would be r
equired in order to apply, appropriately, mean and variance or regress
ion procedures. That there has to be a stock-recruitment relation is n
ot logical. That plaice appear to have one implies two things: that th
ere is a real bottle-neck in their adult habitat, and/or, that the sto
ck/recruitment data are themselves misleading artifacts. I remain conv
inced that the answers lie in better understanding of predator-prey re
lations, and much better understanding of physiologically significant
environmental variabilities, rather than in more sophisticated mathema
tical processing of inadequate, and indirect inferences. Flatfish are
proving themselves to be fish, with a twist. That is encouraging, but
not enlightening.