Time and flow-direction responses of shear-stress-sensitive liquid cry
stal coatings were explored experimentally. For the time-response expe
riments, coatings were exposed to transient, compressible flows create
d during the startup and off-design operation of an injector-driven su
personic wind tunnel. Flow transients were visualized with a focusing
schlieren system and recorded with a 1000 frame/s color video camera.
Liquid crystal responses to these changing-shear environments were the
n recorded with the same video system, documenting flow-visualization
response times equal to, or faster than, the time interval between seq
uential frames (i.e., 1 ms). For the flow-direction experiments, a pla
nar test surface was exposed to equal-magnitude and known-direction su
rface shear stresses generated by both normal and tangential subsonic
jet-impingement flows. Under shear, the sense of the angular displacem
ent of the liquid crystal dispersed (reflected) spectrum was found to
be a function of the instantaneous direction of the applied shear. Thi
s technique thus renders dynamic flow reversals or flow divergences vi
sible over entire test surfaces at image recording rates up to 1 kHz.
Extensions of the technique to visualize relatively small changes in s
urface shear stress direction appear feasible.