A retrospective case-controlled study has compared the frequency of di
fferent sleeping and a group of 98 control infants. The results show a
clear excess of SIDS death (lying on abdomen) position with the risk
of a SIDS increased 2.3 fold comparing prone to side and 10.5 fold com
paring prone to back positions. Among the SIDS group 79% of infants we
re lying prone when found dead compared to 25% of the control group (c
hi square = 64.3, p< 0.001) with only 7% and 9% sleeping on their side
s and backs respectively (control group 48% and 27% respectively). Iri
sh parents should be advised to avoid placing infants in the prone pos
ition (on abdomen) to sleep as this position is associated with a sign
ificantly increased risk of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.