The education and research system in the biomedical sciences is tremen
dously vital. But the scientific community must exert more leadership
if this vitality is to continue, for both science education and resear
ch are prone to a common inertia. For example, in the education arena,
why do medical schools require two semesters of organic chemistry but
no cell biology, when the center of biomedical research has shifted t
o cell biology? And why do so many graduate schools continue to send a
strong message to their science students that there is only one reall
y successful career path-the one leading to academia -when most of our
PhD students cannot expect to become professors? Inertia in research
can be seen in the trend for cell biologists to train researchers just
like themselves, which means that the many opportunities to use new c
ell biological techniques to address important problems in tissue biol
ogy are likely to be missed. A solution to such problems is to design
funding mechanisms that promote more adventuresome research. As a bott
om line, our research system must support the independence of our best
young scientists and encourage them to take the risks inherent in hig
hly creative endeavors.