Longitudinal studies are often concerned with estimating the rate of a
n event that may recur. Examples are nonmelanoma skin cancer rates, sc
reening rates for breast cancer using mammography and hospital admissi
on rates. We propose simple estimators for directly and indirectly sta
ndardized summary rates and relative rates of recurrent events and the
ir variances. We also develop an estimator of the excess rate in an ar
ea if the rate in another area applied. For non-recurrent events, the
estimators are identical to the usual standardized summary rates.(5) T
he estimators are independent of the underlying distribution of the ev
ent of interest and allow for unequal follow-up times and event rate h
eterogeneity among individuals. The method is not computationally inte
nsive and does not require specialized software. We illustrate the app
lication of the method in a retrospective cohort study of hospital uti
lization patterns of Medicare enrollees in Boston and New Haven over a
three and a half year period.