An ERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) radiometric-calibration experi
ment was carried out at the Akita test site in Japan during the ERS-1
commissioning-phase operations on 10-16 November 1991 as a part of the
ECISAR activity, an international collaboration for ERS-1 SAR calibra
tion. The instruments used were square trihedrals with leg lengths of
0.46, 0.6, 0.85 and 1.1 m, and a receiver for SAR antenna-pattern meas
urements. The test site, the disused Akita Airport, was successfully o
bserved twice by the ERS-1 SAR and the data were received and processe
d by NASDA to produce images. These Level 2.1 products, on which radio
metric and geometric corrections were performed, were used for the rad
iometric-calibration experiment. From the image-intensity analysis inv
olving the radar cross-section and the spatial-resolution analysis usi
ng the trihedral image, the proportional constant was determined to re
late the image data to the target's microwave backscattering character
istics. The SAR antenna pattern in the azimuth direction was measured
with a dynamic range of 40 dB. The peak sidelobe level was about 13 dB
below the main lobe peak, showing good antenna characteristics.